

家乡: 马萨诸塞州康科德 
易胜博app安卓下载活动: 大学足球,大学篮球,文学俱乐部
当你刚到易胜博app安卓下载时最令人惊讶的是 来自公立学校, 我对准备得如此充分感到震惊, 更不用说激动了, 我的老师要在课外和我见面, 讨论额外材料, 甚至在其他科目上也有帮助. I came to Groton as a student who had never truly been challenged in the classroom. 不用说, 我现在受到了挑战,并将继续受到挑战——学业, 体育, 以及易胜博app安卓下载生活的其他方面. 这是你成长的地方——你会被逼得很紧. Groton is able to combine rigorous academics with brilliant teachers who make teaching their first priority. The connections I have made with my teachers are extraordinary. I will be forever grateful for the opportunity to experience what it is like to enjoy learning, 享受挑战, 甚至享受失败.
最喜欢的课程: 我在三年级生物课和Mr. 贝尔斯基博士和荣誉化学博士. Lamarre-Vincent). 这两门课对我来说都很棒(显然我是一个科学爱好者), and I was absolutely captivated by the discussions we had in LV's class as well as the labs with Mr. Belsky, most notably the pig practical, in which we dissected fetal pigs. If this sounds absolutely terrifying and disgusting, have no fear—you are definitely not alone. But I promise that once you get in there and really start exploring it will be one of the best experiences of your (school) life!
最难忘的易胜博app安卓下载时刻: 这听起来可能很老套,但击败圣. Mark's in our last soccer game of my Third Form fall is a memory that I don't think I will ever forget. 差不多两年后, I can still clearly recall the anxious anticipation of the long bus ride, 赛前的紧张情绪, 当我们在下半场结束时进球时的兴奋, 还有终场哨声吹响时的欢呼声和笑声. I remember the joy of running to hug my teammates as a horde of fans rushed onto the field screaming their congratulations. 我也记得袭击我的悲伤. 和我的队友站在一起, 他们中的许多人再也不会踏上这个球场, 我想知道没有他们的球队会是什么样子. I think that the reason these moments have been etched so deeply into my memory is that they elicit emotions on many different levels. I was overjoyed to have beaten our rivals on their home turf with a hundred or so fans cheering us on, but there are also elements of grief associated with this day: the seniors crying all the way back to campus, 演讲及海报. It was their last hurrah, and lasts always seem to stick with a person. 
最喜欢的食堂食物: 烤鸡肉或玉米卷

最喜欢学习的地方: 244房间,先生. 马丁内斯的教室


  • 谁来庆祝我的成功

    Some might make the assumption that going away to boarding school is an isolating experience. But living away from your friends and family does not mean you lose the sense of love and support you feel at home. 在易胜博app安卓下载, I found students and faculty with whom I developed meaningful connections, 就像我家里的那些一样深,一样结实. 这些人不仅仅是在我在校期间为我服务的. They show their support in all walks of my life, from academics to athletics.
  • 住在学校时参加俱乐部运动

    One of the most common questions I get while attending boarding school as an athlete is, “你怎么能继续参加俱乐部的运动??"
  • 你猜对了,是3!!


  • 芬利伸出舌头


    世界上最好的东西是什么? 小狗.
  • 我从未玩过的最刺激的游戏

    Groton girls varsity basketball beats AA team the second game of the season!
  • 给罗斯的信

    The community service organization that I joined almost a year ago, 给罗斯的信, was founded by two girls in high school whose goal was to connect with senior citizens in a fun and COVID-friendly way. 自成立以来, 给罗斯的信 has started chapters in almost every state and even in other countries. Volunteers like me write letters and create artwork that we send out every two weeks. One week this summer I received an email thanking me for my contributions and telling me that I had been selected as volunteer of the month!
  • 开始新事物

    在学校的最后一个月里,我把脚踝扭伤得很严重. 这是一个涉及多只熊的漫长而可怕的故事, 一对老虎, 还有嗜血的兰德沙克. 然而,不幸的是,这个故事并不是今天文章的重点. Due to my ankle injury, I have been slow in my return to club basketball. 当我过渡到我的五年级(初中), the beginnings of the recruiting process have been set in motion. This is generally a stressful time even without injuries that are preventing me from playing and getting in front of coaches.
  • 真正的天才?

    I have recently received the title of genius (albeit a four- out of five-star genius)…
  • From left to right: Fiona, Dani, Calen, Hannah, and Avery (all form of ’23) playing with cats on Dr. C的门廊.


    A combination of COVID protocols and a bad ankle sprain that left me on crutches for three weeks made for an interesting spring term. I never thought I would see the day when I complained about the sprawling Groton campus. 然而, the mantra that I have been repeating for the past few months, 看到每一种情况中最好的一面,的问题得到了回报。. In fact, this may have been my best and happiest term at Groton!
  • 谢谢你,爸爸

    "麦迪逊,快进来!爸爸在房子的另一头喊道. I almost drop my computer in my haste to get from my secluded office to the living room, where he was watching the final game of March Madness: Stanford versus Arizona. 亚利桑那刚刚击败了康涅狄格大学, 今年谁是夺冠热门, 而斯坦福只是勉强进入了最后一场比赛. 这会很有趣(确实很有趣).
  • 回家

    Coming back to campus was accompanied with a rush of emotions. 他们中的大多数人都兴高采烈, as I am finally able to see my friends and classmates face to face, 不用连续几个小时盯着屏幕. While it is frustrating at times to wear masks for several hours straight or to eat lunch in separate spaces, 这些挫折带来了很高的回报. 我不断发现自己坐在“泡泡”里,分配的中四学习空间, doing homework and talking with friends (sometimes a little too much of the latter, 但在困难时期,放纵一下自己是必要的。. 当我回想起几个星期前, 我只想回到学校, 现在我在这里, 回家.
  • 一线希望

    不用说, the pandemic has been extremely hard on everyone.  I myself have struggled to find ways to return to normalcy and get into a routine that doesn’t drive me crazy. 我想我们都在寻找出路, 一种忘却大千世界正在发生的事情的方法.
  • 这是我(左)和Karenna(右)的照片, 享用我们的午餐, 和急需的面具打破, 在开始训练之前.


    我不得不承认, it was a struggle to watch boarders return to school a week before classes while I sat at home, 被关在我的隔离洞里.
  • 一次露营的意外

    我小的时候,我们家经常去露营,但是, 随着年龄的增长, 周末都用来运动. So this summer my mom decided we should go to Vermont for a quick camping trip, 只有我们和我爸, 我的妹妹, 还有我们的两只狗.
  • 葡萄酒之旅

    几天前, my mom and I were able to escape our house and go to an amazing vintage shop in Somerville. I had been waiting, rather impatiently, to go to this store for so long (but hey, quarantine). I was excited to finally get the chance to browse its selection of clothes, 鞋子, 乙烯基, 磁带, 还有其他奇怪的花絮, 可以追溯到20世纪60年代. Walking into the store was like walking through a whirlwind of the past. 这些奇怪的物品对我来说有点难以应付, 但对我妈妈来说很有趣, who was thoroughly engrossed in the records the moment we entered.